How to create new vacancies in your projects

Vacancies are a core piece of functionality on the Elevate platform. Once they have been created in the system, they are pushed out as online advertisements, and sent as email recommendations to suitable candidates.

To create a Vacancy:

  • Log in to your account and go to the Vacancies section. This section is located on the menu on the left side:

  • Alternatively, you can also go through the Recruit section, to start creating a Vacancy.

  • When you get to the Vacancies section, click on the New Vacancy + button, at the top-left:

  • The first details you need to enter are the Vacancy’s name, and the project it belongs to:

Now you can enter your Vacancy details:

  • The first details that need to be entered, which are essential, is the Job Description. The information entered into this section, is key in determining who the Vacancy is attracting and this is the information published onto any external boards.
  • Sources- While creating a vacancy, you can select from multiple different sources, including your Talent Pools, the Vault, and your Workforce. Sources allow you to exert control over what candidates receive Recommendations - Be it from your Talent Pools, Vault or internal Workforce.
  • Location - Where is the vacancy located?
  • Rates - Here you can enter the target rate, maximum rate, pay type, currency, and also make the rate private.
  • Details - Vacancy's duration, ideal start, number of positions, and the employer reference number. The employer reference number is important in that it is specifically for track this vacancy you are creating. It can be anything, but it needs to be unique.
  • Talent Pools - Select the Elevate Open Market, and any other relevant Private Talent Pools to the vacancy.
  • Forms & Documents - This is an optional step. Here you can add any forms or documents that need to be completed by the applicant.
  • Scoring - Recruit uses machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) technology. This enables the platform to understand the relevance of individual applications, by ranking them in order of their suitability.

The AI in the system interprets the information here, and determines skills required for the Vacancy. In turn, the AI will read the information from a Candidate’s Profile, and measure this against the skills deemed required for the Vacancy.

  • Job Boards - You will be able to select which external job board to post this advert out to
  • The final step is to review the information you have inputted, and if it is accurate and thorough, it's time to post the vacancy by clicking Publish Now.

Once the vacancy has been posted, it can be viewed in the Vacancies section.

You can follow your vacancy and see how many candidates have applied, and at what stage they are at. There are multiple options you can explore for managing your candidates.

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